But first, let me take an ELFIE! #TechTheHalls

It is time to #TechTheHalls! It you are looking for a fun and silly way to "ELF" your students this week, here is how:

Step 1: Take pictures of your students (you will just need a picture of their face).

Step 2: Download these FREE apps: Elf Booth and Pic Collage

*Thank you to my awesome co-worker, Carol Jewell, for sharing the Elf Booth app with me! We filled out "Elf Applications" this week and she had the awesome idea of actually turning them into elves after! Carol rocks!*

Step 3: Select the photos you took of your students through the Elf Booth app and add "items" to your students pictures. Set some time aside for giggling. Be sure to SAVE the finished product! 

Step 4: Now use the app Pic Collage. Choose "freestyle," click the green button that says "photos," and select your student elfie. Then click on the elfie, select the blue button that says, "clip" and start tracing the photo with your finger!

Step 5: Print! You can print the elfies individually or put them in one giant elfie group photo! 

Be sure to share your final products with me on Twitter or Instagram! I want to see them!!! 

*Disclaimer: This can also be used with co-workers--teachers and administrators can have fun, too!!!*

Wishing everybody a relaxing holiday season!! Happy Teaching!!! 

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